Welcome to the Cultural Insights, a blog about culture, nature and links between them!

a man launching a kite

Hello, my name's Tatyana Garkavaya, I'm a creator and author of this blog, a conten creator with 20+ years of experience, front-end developer, and enthusiastic traveler.

In the three sections of my blog - Trips, Interviews and Recipes - I share the most interesting cultural and educational practices I've experienced: dolphing monitoring, the adoption of birds, collaborative promotion of natural sanctuaries and so on.

Share Ideas & Inspire Changes

The motto of Cultural Insights - Share Ideas & Inspire Changes - reflects my personal credo and lifestyle. By exchanging experiences, we enrich our lives, get inspiration and find support.

The logo of the blog - a man launching a kite (in the photo left) - was inspired by one of my favourite volunteer experiences in Pomorie, Bulgaria.

While collecting litter, volunteer Stefan Ivanov found an abbandoned kyte which turned out to be absolutely functional and was launched immediately at the amazement of the team.

I'll keep that fascination all my life. And with every blog post, I re-launch that kite and let people enjoy a new idea which otherwise may be unnoticed. It's how the Cultural Insights has become a collection of the best sustainable practices.

Promote the Best Sustainable Practices

Since the very beginning in 2020, Cultural Insights has become a networking platform for art lovers and travelers.

The blog content was determined by the two life-changing projects – my master's thesis about city branding (An Analysis of Communication Strategies of Aarhus and Pafos 2017) and my two-year-long ethnographic study Mapping Sustainable Holidays in Bulgaria. The latter has resulted in numerous awards for my blog.

The most appreciated piece of content is my award-winning book the Insights into Conservation Volunteer Bird Watching Holidays in Bulgaria. It's Not Only About Birds about conservation projects in Bulgarian bird sanctuaries. If you're interested in different outdoor activities, the guide will be a useful manual for you because it's based on over 30 interviews and notes from the most inspiring spots in Bulgaria. Learn more about the book and download it following this link!

The content of the Cultural Insights is 100% original and created by me in 3 languages (English, Bulgarian and Italian) with the application of the best communication practices and digital tools. The aim of my texts is to promote the best sustainable practices. So, if you find some projects particularly interesting, contact the organisers. You can find their contacts in the respective texts.

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