
an artist in a virtual gallery


How Bulgarian 3D Artist Digitizes Cultural Heritage

Explore the virtual reality of prominent Bulgarian landmarks and folk costumes!

Tatyana Garkavaya
a tour guide with a blue tablet


Go Local in Veszprém-Balaton with a Tour Guide Katinka Hasprai

Prepare for a lovely weekend in a new European Capital of Culture Veszprém-Balaton – 2023 with practical tips from a local guide!

Tatyana Garkavaya
a woman weaving


‘Make Your own National Costume’ with Lithuanian Artist Rasma Noreikytė, Open-Air Museum of Lithuania

Immerse yourself in the marvellous Lithuanian traditions and create a traditional costume with designer Rasma Noreikytė at her workshops in the Open-Air Museum of Lithuania (Rumšiškės)!

Tatyana Garkavaya
two images of george vasiliev


Good Music Ideas from the BadRadio. Unknown Bulgarian Music

The Bad Radio's experimental projects are at crossroads of popular and progressive musical cultures, so it's not easy to attribute them to certain genres. The post is a must-read for those who love great music and new discoveries!

Tatyana Garkavaya
students perform in class


How to learn English quickly? With suggestopedia!

Boost your Engligh with suggestopedia, the Bulgarian discovery used globally.

Tatyana Garkavaya
a drawn girl sitting with a backpack


Riding Blue Tram in Galway 2020: Blogging & Volunteering to Stay in Touch with Community

Galway-based Polish Blogger Malgosia Doczyk shares how blogging opens up new worlds and possibilities.

Tatyana Garkavaya
a drawn girl sitting with a backpack


Building a Personal Brand on Instagram: Useful Ideas from Hungarian Designer Zigzag

Hungarian influencer with 20 000+ Instagram followers and designer shares secrets of community-building on social media.

Tatyana Garkavaya
a girl on a colourful bus


Armenian Artist Teaches Visually Impaired Children to Hear Colours

Learn how the artificial musical language Solresol helps visually impaired children to learn arts!

Tatyana Garkavaya
a man with a lantern


FIRETER: 10 Captivating Insights Into the Hottest Bulgarian Theater

Plamen Ivanov, Creative Producer & Founder of Shade and Fire Theatre FIRETER, reveals curious details that shape the project.

Tatyana Garkavaya