

Building a Personal Brand on Instagram: Useful Ideas from Hungarian Designer czikkcakk

a drawing of a girl with a backpack
Dreaming. © Panni Czikkely

In this post, Hungarian influencer with 20 000+ Instagram followers and designer czikkcakk shares secrets of community-building on social media.

Illustrations for fashion

For two years self-taught designer and illustrator czikkcakk (Panni Czikkely) from Veszprem-Balaton has created the Instagram community pannifalva with 20 000 + followers and collaborated with many fashion brands.

In a special interview that continues the series of interviews with creative professionals from European Capitals of Culture on the Cultural Insights, 26-years-old Panni shares the pros and cons of being an Instagram celebrity and practical tips on managing a personal account.

- Panni, which topics do you prefer to work with?

People, feelings, nature and the fusion of these… I live for creating art and giving people a piece of my creativity to enjoy.

a set of tote bags
The designs of these tote bags inspired by nature. © Panni Czikkely

- What are your recent projects about during this special time when your home region is preparing for the status of the European Capital of Culture?

For the fourth year in a row I've made calendars with my art.

And I had very fruitful collaborations. I’d been dreaming of making a diary for a long time and with Fatimapanka my dream came true.

Illustrating a storybook was another my aspiration, and it was great to get a request from Diána Molnár to illustrate her book ‘DinnaDalok’.

The wrappings of the ‘Flancos’ clothing line were real works of love, I immediately recognised the message the brand wanted to create for their customers.

I also designed four new patterns for the baby clothing brand ‘4babies’.

Last March ‘Springfield’ selected me to represent Hungarian artists and express what femininity and authenticity meant to me.

I’ve worked with Dorina László on many video clips, I made animations. With Dorina, we also have a common brand Cakkompakkom and sew reusable shopping bags with my patterns.

Sources of inspiration

a drawing and a cup of coffee
Coffee makes it all better. © Panni Czikkely

- What fuels your creativity?

Coffee is my lifeblood, humour and my plants are my essences.

- 20000+ pannifalva followers. You’re engaged in quite an intensive cultural exchange. Must be challenging…

Definitely! First, I used my Instagram as an album for my works, and I was amazed at how those beautiful pictures moved people.

Then, two years ago I read some articles on influencer-marketing and started to run my account more consciously.

The pros were new valuable personal and professional experiences, I enjoyed being a supportive creator of community and feeling kindness and motivation from my followers.

The cons had to do with the fact that you always had to be there, it’s so time-consuming. And there is also a need for dealing with the thieves that prey on those that have a lot of followers.

- What lesson did you learn?

One must accept that appealing to everyone is impossible. And art cannot be copied. Thieves are always a few steps short of the real deal, so don’t get as distressed as I used to.

Hobby and profit

a set of drawings
It all started as a hobby. © Panni Czikkely

- In your opinion, is it possible for amateur artists to turn their hobby into a source of income?

I am mostly self-taught and only took two drawing classes at an art school.

Many inspiring and educational courses are available online. I have a Skillshare account and strive to learn something new every month.

People who would like to make some money out of all this have to be very conscious and determined because the market is very competitive.

- You have recently had a workshop at Pannon UniFest. What it was about?

It was an online event this time but my video is still available. I talked about my Instagram experience, my current collaborations and I also shared some tips on managing an Instagram profile better.

Lake Balaton for Everyone

a set of tote bags
Different hues of Lake Balaton for a calendar. © Panni Czikkely

- Your home region Veszprem-Balaton is preparing to hold the status of the future European Capital of Culture in 2023. As a local, can you share some insights on the best place to visit?

Lake Balaton is the best place for everything: photo sessions, bike trips and great picnics!

And it's a great source of inspiration too. Last year's bike trips around the lake resulted in a series of six works that represented different faces of the lake.

Get more inspiration from czikkcakk's art and become part of his pannifalva community on Instagram.

Download a Leaflet with Tot 6 Veszprem-Balaton Culinary Attractions!


Inspiring examples Self-help tips Art therapy

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