

6 Must-Visit Places in Veszprem-Balaton: Culinary Landmarks

an architect presents a project
Exploring must-visit places of Veszprem-Balaton through the lenses of culinary landmarks with local architect Daniel Magyar © Daniel Magyar

The Hungarian region Veszprem-Balaton that is preparing to hold the status European Capital of Europe in 2023. What is this region actually about? Its special charm is in small villages with unique experiences. Let’s begin exploring the new attractive location through the lenses of culinary landmarks with the local architect Daniel Magyar) + download a leaflet with the 6 must-visit places in Veszprem-Balaton!

Table of Contents

1 Lake Balaton - Balaton bar

2 6 six vine regions – 6 grape tastes

3 New bistro Papírkutya - Old beer traditions

4 Tihany village – Lavander ice cream

5 The mountain region Bakony – Sticks/Ribs with Bakony sauce

6 Somlo Volcano - Somlói Cake

7 Download a Leaflet with the 6 Must-Visit Veszprem-Balaton Culinary Attractions!

Lake Balaton - Balaton bar

an aerial view of balaton lake
An aerial view of Balaton Lake © Daniel Magyar

The most known regional dessert Balaton bar has actually not too much to do with the lake Balaton - apart from the name.

chocolate bar balaton
The Balaton bar is the sweetest association with Balaton Lake © Unsplash

Its history started in the 1950s in Diósgyőr, the city in about 200 km from the lake. Yet, for the last 60 years it has become the iconic chocolate presentation of Balaton Lake.

Nowadays it’s produced in Székesfehérvár, 30 km from the lake, and they offer 14 different flavours.

6 six vine regions – 6 grape tastes

a man walking a horse
Volunteering with horses is one of the exciting experiences at the Young Caritas, Sofia © Unsplash

Hungary has six different vine regions with typical wines.

a wine bottle
Tokaji is one of the most famous wines of the Balaton region © Unsplash

The northern land of the Lake Balaton "Balatoni borrégió" with the small village Csopak in about 30 km from Veszprém is one of the unique places with great folklore and vine traditions.

Tokaji is one of our most famous wines produced in the region.

New bistro Papírkutya - Old beer traditions

an interior of papirkutya bistro
Tokaji is one of the most famous wines of the Balaton region © Unsplash

The bistro Papírkutya, Szabadság tér 9 (in English "paper dog") is the newest dining area in Veszprem opened this summer.

With the richest choice of great craft beer in the city!

hungarian craft beer
The bistro Papírkutya in Veszprem boasts the best craft beer in the region © Unsplash

The place is the part of Street Scene Development Programme implemented in the framework of Veszprem-Balaton 2023.

Tihany village – Lavander ice cream

a view of tyhany village
The bistro Papírkutya in Veszprem boasts the best craft beer in the region © Unsplash

On the northeastern side of Balaton Lake, there's traditional lavender cultivation and the small village Tihany that every June hosts the lovely Lavander festival.

Lavender ice cream and syrup are just some of tasty ideas of the area.

a lavender icecream
Lavender ice cream is a must-eat treat by Balaton Lake in June © Unsplash

But they inspire lots of different delights appreciated by tourists: jams, candies, cakes...

The mountain region Bakony – Sticks/Ribs with Bakony sauce

a lavender icecream
The landscapes of Bakony Lake inspire artists and cooks © Unsplash

This traditional local Bakony sauce made of sour crème and mushrooms got its name from the local mountain region called Bakony - northern from Veszprém.

It’s a traditional dish and great culinary experience that cannot be missed!

a lavender icecream
The typical taste of Balaton Lake with a mushroom sauce © Unsplash

Served in all local restaurants.

Somlo Volcano - Somlói Cake

a view of somlo volcano
Solmo Volcano hosts the Hungarian favourite grapes varieties © Unsplash

Somló is an old volcano in about 70 km west from Veszprém - it's also a famous wine region.

The desert Somlói resembles a volcano after the eruption; it consists of several delicious layers of different sauces and walnuts.

a somloi cake in a glass
The desert Somlói is not the most beautiful sweet dish but with the Hungarian character - emotional and colourful © Unsplash

Like Sticks/Ribs with Bakony sauce, Somlói Cake tastes better than it looks.

It’s because we, Hungarians, are a bit impatient people, and no one wants to waste time just on making the dishes look better, we enjoy them as they are:)

Download a Leaflet with the 6 Must-Visit Veszprem-Balaton Culinary Attractions!

More travel tips about attractions of Veszprem-Balaton? Find fresh ideas in the interview with local tour guide Katinka Hasprai!


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