Table of Contents
1 Use every opportunity to get food for thought! - Bulgarian Fund for Women, Sofia
16 Let's our imaginations run wild - Dari, Founder of the Feminist Library, Sofia
18 Play and Nature - Stella Nedyalkova, founder of the Play and Nature Association, Sofia
1 Use every opportunity to get food for thought! - Bulgarian Fund for Women, Sofia

The training for sustainable practices "Equality and Climate Justice" was a three-day event organized by the Bulgarian Fund for Women in lovely spa-town Bankya in June.
Bankya itself is a synonym for sustainability. The small Bulgarian town is a well-known international spa resort and one of the best Bulgarian destinations for sustainable travel.
We enjoyed the warm hospitality of Bankya Palace Hotel, which takes care of one of the main local landmarks - a 20-year-old ficus grown from the ground in the building.

Our trainers were Madeleine Popignatova, participant of the Dutch feminist climate movement, Kirilka Angelova, expert in non-formal education, Milia Dimitrova, lawyer and mediator in Sofiaplan and Georgi Stefanov, expert on climate change programs of WWF - Bulgaria.
Together, we explored the role of women and vulnerable groups in the processes of climate change, examined the Bulgarian reality, and possible opportunities and tried to understand how to integrate our ego into socially useful initiatives.
Because often what is good for some people is bad for others.
It was the main idea through which we explored such concepts as the social construction of gender and climate justice.
Taking advantage of the high concentration of activism in one place, I asked environmental activists through my blog to share their tips on how to bring about positive changes in communities.
As the initiator of this dialogue, I will begin with my proposal.
2 Share Ideas & Inspire Changes – Tatyana Garkavaya, Founder of Award-Winning Blog Cultural Insights, Pomorie

My community is virtual and includes dozens of professionals involved in cultural and environmental projects across Europe.
The articles of my blog - interviews and travel tips - are inspired by encounters with all those people and their social initiatives.
Two years ago, I created my blog to share positive experiences from different countries.
The main feature of these ideas is that they are transferable and can work out well in many places.
And I encourage people to collaborate more and engage in meaningful partnerships through promoting their experiences with meaningful content.
Share Ideas & Inspire Change is the motto of my blog, my life credo and my main advice to those looking for fruitful cooperation.
Through my award-winning blog and recently written guide to sustainable vacations in Bulgaria I offer ideas on how to combine one's pastime and hobbies with useful for community activities.
The offered tips are inspired by my participation in such projects as the Pomorie Lake Conservation Brigade.
3 Involve people with baits and games - Milena Ilieva, Senior Conservation Expert, Nature Park Bulgarka, Gabrovo

With an impressive area of 22,000 ha and over 300 plant species, Nature Park Bulgarka is in the centre of Bulgaria.
We try to involve people in the restoration of biological diversity, the promotion of cultural heritage and the development of nature tourism.
Baits and games are the main tools for involving different stakeholders.
For instance, for one of our community clean-ups, we invited the famous Bulgarian actor Philip Avramov, who was the face of the promotional campaign. Many people joined the initiative only to see him.
Once people understood the importance of clean-ups, they joined similar projects without any "hooks".
To achieve the best results in projects with children, we provoke them with various games (e.g. Forest Ranger) to think about the consequences of their actions.
Children themselves need to feel that they can be part of the problem of environmental pollution. They need to understand how to correct their habits and be an example of responsible citizens.
4 Change your attitudes to change your way of life - Valentin Kehayov, Chairman of the Youth Organization Young Developers for Youth Development, Smolyan

In Smolyan, we develop volunteering as a valuable tool of non-formal education. Our main goal is to build community leaders.
We are also an active participant in Erasmus+ programmes related to informal education and constantly engaged in international cultural exchange.
We have a youth centre where we help youngsters to improve their skills and acquire new competencies.
Our latest project is two graffiti paintings, which have quickly become the new tourist attractions in Smolyan and have united many people.
Now the space is wildly popular and is used for selfies, weddings, exhibitions, classes.
Previously, street art had never been popular in Smolyan. Illegal paintings and vandalism were real pains.
We invited those local vandals to try volunteering and organized for them practical graffiti workshops by famous Bulgarian artists.
Now they guard the public art in the town and prevent any vandalism.
But it was essential for young people to change their attitudes. We have noticed that when their attitude changes, so do their lifestyle.
During the participation in various volunteer projects, youngsters actually not just give away their time, but they themselves also benefit a lot.
They develop practical skills, which in a sterile school environment are impossible to acquire.
This, in turn, allows young people to become more competitive in the labour market.
They find better jobs and do it faster because they know how to present their skills.
5 Participate in social initiatives of others - Helena Hudjek, Hydro-Biologist, Member of Balkanka Fishing Club, the village of Nikyup, Veliko Tarnovo

My family and I try to live in harmony with nature, and we produce clean and healthy food in our garden.
I am currently pursuing a PhD at the Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Fisheries (IGB) in Berlin. My topic is "Impact of hydropower on rivers."
My social activity reflects my interest in fishing and has to do with the Balkanka Fishing Club in the village of Nikyup.
We organize green schools, clean-ups, fight illegal landfills, send signals to institutions and try to improve water and natural resource management in general.
Those who want to see positive change in their communities need to start by involving their loved ones, friends and acquaintances in their projects.
Surely, there will be those who won't understand why to change something and even those who will interfere. It is normal and should not be discouraged.
To change Bulgaria, it is important to support the social initiatives of others too. Let's start now!
6 Launch a boomerang of kindness - Diana Chakmakova, mediator of cultural projects between Roma and Bulgarian communities, Sliven

As an informal leader and mediator, I go to local schools and organise classes on Roma culture in my home town.
Many children are ashamed of their background. And I was in that situation due to my mixed Bulgaria-Roma origin.
With my teaching activity, I aim to boost the children's self-confidence.
Another project I am involved in is a women's group that supports vulnerable families. As a keen poet, at our gatherings, I particularly love to share my poetry pieces. Using figurative language it is easier to discuss uncomfortable issues.
We also work with negative stereotypes against Roma women with different educational community events in collaboration with local social services.
In fact, Roma women are wonderful mothers and their experiences can be appied in different communities! At the annual competition for the best mothers in Sliven, a Roma woman who raised ten children besides her own became the winner.
In Sliven, we organize many events where families from Bulgarian and Roma communities meet and share their experiences on how to take care of children.
We need to open our hearts and souls and spread goodness.
If we pass on the good, like a boomerang, the time will come, and people will become better.
7 Take matters into your hands - Radostina Vuteva, Founder of the Platform Dialogues for the Future of Botevgrad, Botevgrad

The main goal of the platform Dialogues for the Future of Botevgrad is to connect active people to generate ideas and actions for the city development by improving culture and education, sports and tourism, and other social matters.
Citizens use the platform to complain and inform specialists about the identified problems and discuss possible solutions.
The main idea is to submit a complaint and offer a solution at the same time.
To bring about a change, try working in a structured way with like-minded people, whether within the neighbourhood or a working group.
It's not enough to like something on Facebook to show that you are engaged. It has nothing to do with any real commitment.
Engagement is when you take something into your own hands, write a proposal, or form an initiative.
8 Expand your networks - Zornitsa Spasova, Chief Assistant at the National Center for Public Health and Analysis, Author on Climateka, Sofia

At the Centre, I research and write about the issues related to climate change and human health.
Our goal is to produce high-quality content on climate change to reach and engage as many people as possible.
The challenge is a lack of data for research and a low interest of the Bulgarian health authorities in the problem.
I think that will change soon. There has been great public interest in such information over the past years.
I can advise everyone to constantly develop and enrich their networks; participate in different training or seminars.
There is always some person or information that can be inspiring.
9 Learn from your failures to be helpful to others - Ivan Belchev, Founder of the Online Platform Ruse GO, Ruse

I created a platform that allows people to find groups for practising sports or organize online training. Many ideas were borrowed from Germany, where I lived for several years.
My biggest achievement was last year's '100 Days of Sports in Ruse' initiative.
The project brought together hundreds of people who participated in 30 sports in 100 days.
In addition to sports initiatives, I organize voluntary clean-ups and planting of trees in Ruse.
An attempt to do something is essential, even if it fails. I have a lot of experience in failed projects.
Every time, I learn from my mistakes, and this helps me understand how to be helpful to other volunteers involved in my cause.
Bear in mind: volunteer initiatives do not have a financial dimension, and it's impossible to measure their impact quickly.
10 Explore awkward topics with contemporary art - Mariela Ruseva, Psychologist at the Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration Chaika, Varna

"Stand by me" is a recent art installation by the Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration Chaika and Varna Day Care Center for Adults with Disabilities Riviera
We prepared it for International Women Day with the financial support of the Bulgarian Women's Fund.
The project represents two giant shoes placed in one of the popular Varna public spots - at the entrance to the Sea Garden.
Everyone could wear the two giant shoes and, in this way, metaphorically put oneself into the shoes of people with intellectual disability.
In this way, we drew the public's attention to the needs of people with mental health problems.
Now the installation is in the centre Chaika. Welcome to try the shoes on!
11 Inspire the people around you - Vladimir Geshev, Founder of Youth Ecological Initiative For AseNOVgrad, Asenovgrad

Last August, I organized the environmental initiative For AseNOVgrad. Its goal was to wake up the people of my home town and together tackle environmental issues through cleaning the public places and organising community art gatherings.
It all started with a clean-up of the two largest local parks.
Passers-by, seeing our small group cleaning the area, started joining us. Gradually, more than 30 strangers worked together like good friends.
That day among the volunteers were employees of the Municipality of Asenovgrad and the owners of the restaurant "Summer Cinema".
Since then, together with my team, we have implemented with the help of my supporters more than ten environmental projects: clean-ups, environmental art exhibitions and workshops.
For most of them, neither a lot of money nor a lot of resources are required.
It's enough to have the desire to take small steps and start something with the people around oneself to inspire others.
12 Activate your activism in local ecological organizations - Nadezhda Gergova, Agronomist, Teacher, and Inventor of a recycling machine, Sofia

As a kindergarten teacher, I create special eco-activities for children with the application of suggestopedia methods.
In addition, my 4-year-old daughter and I explore new methods for organic gardening in our family garden.
With my family, I investigate the potential of my recent invention, the composter.
Where can eco-activism start?
Local environmental organizations are the best solutions for anyone interested in environmental activism. There you can find inspiration related to your interests and help environmentalists with something, for example, counting cormorants.
I am a member of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds and Green Balkans because I am an avid bird watcher.
These environmental organizations have so many positive examples, and regular participation in their activities is akin to the domino effect.
13 Start with looking at old photos - Veronika Georgieva, Volunteer at the Initiatives I am Kaylaka and Volunteers for Kaylaka, Pleven

For more than three years, I have been actively involved in projects dedicated to cleaning up and park regeneration in my hometown Pleven.
Everyone can start an initiative by examining old photos, as we did, and see what was in this place, for example, 50 years ago.
And then you can also say to yourself: 'Our park might look like this again.'
Additionally, try involving as many institutions as possible. And don't be discouraged by their initial indifference. When we started, no one wanted to help us.
But now, things are changing. Each of our clean-ups gathers up to 50 people.
We also have two renovation projects – a park chessboard, which used to be there 40 years ago, and an area for kissing.
14 Develop structural critical thinking - Stoyo Tetevenski, Activist of the Queer Feminist Group LevFem, Sofia

The main topic I've been working on for several years has to do with the improvement of women's rights and the empowerment of LGBT people.
On our platform, we share the experiences of people from these groups through the critical framework.
In addition, I participate in the local climate movement supporting different initiatives.
In my opinion, the most important thing to start with is a critical viewpoint of the situation.
It will help to work out a practical new solution.
Because often the 'traditional' solutions are related to similar but, at the same time, different problems. And they simply do not meet our current needs.
Moreover, they are the product of a ruling class that tends to replace our needs and feelings and puts them second to the basic ideology of the time.
So, it is very important to think about the structural and systematic causes of the problems.
15 Discover your vocation - Vihren Mitev, Coordinator of youth activities at Young Caritas Sofia, Founder of the ManEco Foundation, Sofia

To enjoy a fulfilling life, one must find one's vocation in life, figure out what one really likes to do and start working in this direction.
And, inevitably, the right people and conditions will be found.
I explored these issues with my doctoral dissertation on personality development. And now I apply these principles in my own life and help young people at Young Caritas where I work as a Coordinator of youth activities.
We practice a lot of environmentally-friendly activities in the contexts of Erasmus+ exchanges such as gardening or eco-tourism. Travel and volunteering are the best facilitators for cross-cultural dialogues that contribute to one's development.
Our recent initiative is "Edible Garden" near our volunteer centre Young Caritas. We envolve different social groups in harvesting vegetables and everyone can try the results of our work.
We recently harvested onions and used them for a salad. Now we want to grow tomatoes and make a recycling machine.
16 Let's our imaginations run wild - Dari, Founder of the Feminist Library, Sofia

With our Feminist Library team, we spread the past and present history of women's struggles, as well as Feminist mobilizations.
In this way, we actively fight against violence against women and the patriarchy in general through protests.
I also participate in the self-organized social space Factory Autonomy in Sofia and organize creative classes for children applying fine arts.
The best advice I want to share is - let our imaginations run wild.
Simply believe that a radically different and better world is really possible, and build it through things that bring us joy and pleasure.
17 Give a second chance to the others - Anelia Parapunova, Founder of the association Academica-We, citizens, Sofia

I started my professional career as a volunteer in a non-governmental organization that works with young people.
It happened by accident, and for the first time, I got acquainted with people experiencing poverty, exploitation, marginalization, segregation.
The most striking thing for me was that it is a bitter reality for so many young Bulgarians.
I consider myself a person fighting for social justice, and my goal is to be helpful to those who look for opportunities to deal with difficult situations.
From May 2018 until now, I've been working in the Association "Academica-We, Citizens".
Additionally, I am a consultant to the "Project Generation Platform 2020-2023" and "Active Citizens Fund", "Open Society Institute", further evaluating projects in the social sphere and the NGO sector.
The Academica-We, the Citizens Association works with pro-Roma organizations, minority, discriminated and marginalized groups.
Our goals are to develop a civil society and democratic institutions, motivate young people through social entrepreneurship and volunteering, and support women's freedoms and rights.
And because everyone makes mistakes, I particularly love the fact that our support is about giving a second chance.
18 Play and Nature - Stella Nedyalkova, founder of the Play and Nature Association, Sofia

I am a recent graduate in Geography and Pedagogy. It's where my passion for learning about the environment and its protection comes from.
I'm doing it with a great team of creative people with whom we create and promote the idea of free play for children in nature.
Our main goal is to involve families, teachers, social workers and all people who work in education or take care of children.
Together, we can create a healthy and accessible educational environment.
With the activities of the association "Play and Nature", we inform the public about the qualities of the natural environment, how to take care of it and how to be part of it without violating its integrity.
The advice I can give to others is to never give up on your goals. With hard work and insistence there are no impossible things!
19 Often the best idea is not realized, but it is part of the process - Milena Trendafilova, Co-organizer of 9 social, environmental and cultural initiatives, Haskovo

Our initiatives aim to improve many areas of life in our region and introduce new practices.
For example, the introduction of instrumental and orchestral music, which has never been popular in Haskovo.
It took several years for people to start appreciating these genres. Now our orchestra attracts new musicians and gathers many spectators.
We particularly focus on new collaborations, and one of my latest initiatives is related to the development of new ideas and building partnerships.
My experience shows that often the most splendid idea is not implemented, but it is part of the process. Dreams are an inexhaustible resource!