

Pumpkin Pie Recipe: Traditional Bulgarian Dessert Tikvenik

collage of 4 photos of the process of making a pumpkin pie
Traditional Bulgarian Dessert Tikvenik: the depiction of the 4 main steps of my pumpkin pie recipe © Tatyana Garkavaya

Inspired by new pumpkin harvest and season of pumpkin pies, this post offers the insights about the most authentic Bulgarian curiosities related to the fruit. Learn about pumpkin nutritional benefits, the museum devoted to pumpkins and the recipe of the most known pumpkin cake in Bulgaria – tikvenik!

Table of Contents

1 3 health benefits of pumpkin

2 The Museum of Pumpkin in Sevlievo

3 The authentik Bulgarian dessert Tikvenik

3 health benefits of pumpkin

a hand extracting pumpkin seeds with a spoon
All the pumpkin parts are good to your healh: cooked and raw flash, seeds and skin © Unsplash

What are some unique nutritive values of pumpkin? It has an impressive nutritional profile:

The Museum of Pumpkin in Sevlievo

a girl pulling a trolley with pumpkins
The not-to-be-missed Museum of Pumpkin in Sevlievo: from photosessions with pumpkins to cooking workshops © Unsplash

Bulgaria boasts original cultural resources devoted to pumpkins - the unique Museum of Pumpkin (Sevlievo).

It was set up 10 years ago with the aim to share educational materials about the role of this fruit in Bulgarian culture.

Interesting old photos of events dedicated to pumpkins for many decades, numerous awards won in different competitions, and distinctive artworks are just some of the artefacts of the museum.

Additionally, every October Sevlievo hosts the Pumpkin festival, the major event devoted to the huge fruit in Bulgaria.

Although other Bulgarian cities usually organize their fairs, pumpkin harvesters never miss the celebrations in Sevlievo to learn about the recent innovations in growing pumpkins, buy the best seeds and participate in competitions for the biggest pumpkins.

The authentik Bulgarian dessert Tikvenik

pieces of baked a pumpkin pie on a plate
My version of pumpkin pie is sugar-free © Tatyana Garkavaya

Tikvenik is one of the traditional symbols of Bulgarian cuisine. It is a delicious savoury pie made of phyllo pastry sheets and pumpkin sometimes mixed with apples or walnuts.

The original tikvenik is prepared with the homemade dough, but it is possible to buy it at the supermarket.

In different varieties, the dessert is made for daily meals and holiday dinners almost all year.

Preparation time: 30 min. Cooking time: 40 min





  1. Sift flour into a large flat bowl. Add warm water, salt, vinegar and oil, and knead a soft dough. Divide it into 5 balls and let them rest for 20 min.
  2. Roll out each ball into a thin sheet of filo pastry.
  3. Grate pumpkin and apples into a bowl. Put in walnuts and sugar and mix everything.
  4. Dizzle some oil on sheets and distribute feeling. Roll each sheet with feeling and place them on a big pan into spirals connecting rolls.
  5. Pre-heat oven to 180-200 C and bake for about 40 min. Take it out and dust it with powdered sugar.

Serve warm or cold with honey or jam.


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